John is the youngest of the crew at two years old. He loves to help fix the camper or be involved in any project. He enjoys playing in the dirt, singing, snacks, and watching firework videos (but not live ones). He is the cherry on top!

Claire is four years old. She is our drama queen. She likes attention. You can't help but notice her when she is singing and dancing or just smiling. She has bright eyes that shine. Her favorite color is pink. Claire loves playing animals with her twin sister, Noelle.

Noelle is also four. Like her twin sister, she likes to sing and has a beautiful voice. She is sweet and sensitive. She is very gentle and kind. She has an uncanny ability to remember exactly where she left something. Her favorite color is yellow.

Josephine is six years old. She has always been very inquisitive and has an excellent memory. She loves dragons, adventure, tinkering, and creating. Josephine has a great sense of humor.

Dominic is a thinker and keeps this ship running. He has endless energy and is always up for clavicle rides (shoulder rides) with the kids. He likes to play golf and read in his spare time (haha what's that?!). He is number nine out of ten siblings.

Annie is a talker. She loves to tackle new projects. She is artistic and creative, has a can do attitude and will continually tinker until things are perfect. She loves being a mom and cherishes her time with her little ducklings.

Annie and Dominic have been together for 16 years, married for 12. They love their family and all together have 24 nieces and nephews with one more on the way. They are happy to be realizing their dream of traveling the county.

Moments by Heather Edmunds

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